Ok guys, I have redesigned the kiln kits. The level one and two kits are now based on the same platform with a few differences. Both are base on the TLUD charcoal kiln design. Our system we are calling the BLUD/CFCK (Bottom Lit Up Draft Continuous Feed Charcoal Kiln) The major difference is we have a top bell that directs combustion from the top back down to the bottom for longer dwell time to add more heat back into the process.
For those that want to fully DIY this kit you may do so. I will illustrate the basic construction and principals here.
Ok so first the difference between the level 1 and 2 kits. Both will be built on the same frame / enclosure base and both will use a 55 gallon drum for the bell. The level 1 version will have a 14 inch barrel for its fire tube and the level 2 kit will have the larger 19 inch diameter fire tube. However, the smaller version will have a different combustion process that will be more of an indirect combustion process of the raw fuel feed stock. Verses the larger 19 inch version will be a direct combustion process just like the prototype. The trade off is the larger version you get less efficiency but get more heat and larger fuel capacity pr batch run. You should be able to process more fuel pr hour as well. The level 1 kit will be more expensive as it has more parts in the kit and more parts you will need to source to build it. However it should have a higher net yield of charcoal conversion and it will produce less heat. So it will have slower process time but maybe more adequate as a shop heater. The prototype is very hot for a 40 x 40 shop with 16 foot ceilings in near zero degree temps, this has a 14 inch diameter drum direct combustion fire tube. So the 19 inch firetube will produce a lot more heat.
Here bellow are a top and bottom view of the grate. The grate centers on lower lip that it follows. Not shown are chains that grate hangs on. These chains are attached to the fire tube and you can shake the grate via the shaker handle to shake out and bust up charcoal that is ready to drop in the catch barrel.

Here the catch barrel just sits inside the enclosure base. Note the flange of the grate rest on top of the catch barrel. This is to seal it off and to make it easier to slide the barrel in and out for charcoal harvesting on the fly.

Here is the fire tube for the level one kit. Note the hole cut array, these holes vent out primary combustion, the middle drum acts as a shroud / chamber for the gases to migrate to the top. As the combustion gases migrate to the top they are indirectly heating the fuel in the upper portions of the fire tube. The four tubes shown are secondary air supplies for the second stage combustion process. As the raw fuel is heated it will expel pyrolysis gases.; This air is to combine with this gas and the primary combustion gas will help to keep this second stage air fuel mix ignited. The combined gases will then migrate to the bottom of the bell and then out the chimney.

So we will be building and demoing the level 1 kit here very soon. We have parts and materials ordered and received