I want to build a crossdraft/downdraft charcoal gasifier. I already have a simplefire but sometimes my charcoal isn't all the way cooked through and I heard a design like the ammo box gasifier can handle a little bit of uncharred wood better than an updraft. I want to be able to power a 400-500 cc generator for backup battery charging off grid on cloudy days. The ammo can build says not to go over 200cc, so I thought maybe I could scale it up to a 30 gallon drum. I already have this drum with a 1 inch flange 3 inches from the bottom from a previous simplefire project. I'm holding another close nipple to show where inlet nozzle might go. The mesh is to illustrate the grate.
A couple of questions
1. Do I need the side heat shields from the ammo can build? I figure there is now enough room for the charcoal to insulate the barrel walls... 2. I have a question mark in my drawing. How many inches between the grate and the nozzle should there be? What are the implications of too much space between the nozzle and grate and too little space? 3. Is a 4 inch nozzle ok?

You want about 6 to 8 inches of char depth from the nozzle to the grate and build your grate so that it vents at the exhaust. Then build the boiler nozzle and it should work.
You want to create this so the air / gas flow can not migrate outside the reaction zone. So air in > creates synthisis gas > flow to vent in grate and then out the exhaust port. So because its round its a little more dificult to seal the chamber off.