Ok guys here is a simple universal DIY auto gen start system anyone can make using off the shelf parts.
I simply used two cycle timer boards and a linear solenoid actuator to apply the choke.
My original intention was to use my Thornwave LVD as this was a really nice controller that featured a bluetooth app I could access with my phone. Unfortunately I wired this off of my memory and well my memory was a little off and I fried it.
So I had to improvise and build a simple Arduino controller. This is very simple; it uses pins A0 as the input for the battery voltage fed through a voltage divider and then the LED (pin 13) as the output to trigger the timer boards. You will need a 12v to 5 volt buck convert to supply power to the Arduino. Wiring is self explanatory once you have all the components. If not simply ask here on the forum.
12 volt to 5 volt converter: https://www.amazon.com/Wolfwhoop-Converter-Step-Down-Regulator-Stabilizer/dp/B076P4C42B/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=ubec+12v+to+5v&qid=1616354828&sr=8-18
0-25 volt to 0-5 volt, voltage divider: https://www.amazon.com/Voltage-Measurement-Detection-Arduino-Geekstory/dp/B07FVVSYYH/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Voltage+divider&qid=1616354985&sr=8-1
Servo connectors for the Voltage Diverter board : https://www.amazon.com/HONBAY-Remote-Control-Extension-Airplanes/dp/B01LA9YDEI/ref=sr_1_3?crid=26OMX5R4C59P5&dchild=1&keywords=servo+connector&qid=1616355012&sprefix=servo+conn%2Caps%2C261&sr=8-3
Arduino Nano Screw Terminal Shield: https://www.amazon.com/NOYITO-Terminal-Adapter-Arduino-ATMEGA328P-AU/dp/B07CBSMQ6T/ref=sr_1_2?crid=323U1UUMUQXDJ&dchild=1&keywords=arduino+nano+screw+terminal+shield&qid=1616355180&sprefix=Arduino+Nano+screw+%2Caps%2C262&sr=8-2
const int VoltageIn = A0;
const int AGSTrigger = 13;
int val =0;
int Voltage=0;
const int LVT = 1350;// Low Voltage Trigger set point. Note controls do not see a decimal point. So for resolution hole numbers are
// used 1350 = 13.50 volts
const int HVT = 1475;// High Voltage Trigger (Fully charged set point
void setup() {
digitalWrite (AGSTrigger, LOW);
void loop() {
val = analogRead(VoltageIn); // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)
Voltage = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 2210);
if (Voltage <= LVT){
digitalWrite (AGSTrigger, HIGH);
if (Voltage >= HVT){
digitalWrite (AGSTrigger, LOW);
I know this post was written long ago but I like the design simplicity and would like to try it. Do you still use it or have you upgraded in some way? If you still have a wiring diagram maybe you could post it?
I could not find the Thornwave on Amazon but I found this controller for 15 bucks. I ordered it and will update if I can get it to work.
Wiring for the timer boards is straight forward.
For inverters that feature a two wire AGS. you simply supply one side best if you use from the battery for starting the generator and then the other leg goes to the trigger terminal of this board. You will also use the starter battery to supply power to the boards.
Use function (12) for your timers. The user manual that comes with these boards will give you all the info you need to set them to this function and set up the timers.