Ok guys here is a simple universal DIY auto gen start system anyone can make using off the shelf parts.
I simply used two cycle timer boards and a linear solenoid actuator to apply the choke.
My original intention was to use my Thornwave LVD as this was a really nice controller that featured a bluetooth app I could access with my phone. Unfortunately I wired this off of my memory and well my memory was a little off and I fried it.
So I had to improvise and build a simple Arduino controller. This is very simple; it uses pins A0 as the input for the battery voltage fed through a voltage divider and then the LED (pin 13) as the output to trigger the timer boards. You will need a 12v to 5 volt buck convert to supply power to the Arduino. Wiring is self explanatory once you have all the components. If not simply ask here on the forum.
12 volt to 5 volt converter: https://www.amazon.com/Wolfwhoop-Converter-Step-Down-Regulator-Stabilizer/dp/B076P4C42B/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=ubec+12v+to+5v&qid=1616354828&sr=8-18
0-25 volt to 0-5 volt, voltage divider: https://www.amazon.com/Voltage-Measurement-Detection-Arduino-Geekstory/dp/B07FVVSYYH/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Voltage+divider&qid=1616354985&sr=8-1
Servo connectors for the Voltage Diverter board : https://www.amazon.com/HONBAY-Remote-Control-Extension-Airplanes/dp/B01LA9YDEI/ref=sr_1_3?crid=26OMX5R4C59P5&dchild=1&keywords=servo+connector&qid=1616355012&sprefix=servo+conn%2Caps%2C261&sr=8-3
Arduino Nano Screw Terminal Shield: https://www.amazon.com/NOYITO-Terminal-Adapter-Arduino-ATMEGA328P-AU/dp/B07CBSMQ6T/ref=sr_1_2?crid=323U1UUMUQXDJ&dchild=1&keywords=arduino+nano+screw+terminal+shield&qid=1616355180&sprefix=Arduino+Nano+screw+%2Caps%2C262&sr=8-2
const int VoltageIn = A0;
const int AGSTrigger = 13;
int val =0;
int Voltage=0;
const int LVT = 1350;// Low Voltage Trigger set point. Note controls do not see a decimal point. So for resolution hole numbers are
// used 1350 = 13.50 volts
const int HVT = 1475;// High Voltage Trigger (Fully charged set point
void setup() {
digitalWrite (AGSTrigger, LOW);
void loop() {
val = analogRead(VoltageIn); // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)
Voltage = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 2210);
if (Voltage <= LVT){
digitalWrite (AGSTrigger, HIGH);
if (Voltage >= HVT){
digitalWrite (AGSTrigger, LOW);
I know this post was written long ago but I like the design simplicity and would like to try it. Do you still use it or have you upgraded in some way? If you still have a wiring diagram maybe you could post it?