Ok this thread is for adapting engines. We only ship one adapter with the units, however some may want to run additional applications. You do not need to purchase additional adapters and have to wait for them to come in the mail. You can DIY them yourself and many ways to do this.
The easiest way I have found is use sealed PVC electrical boxes. You can find these at most box stores like Home depot, lowes, etc. The quick connect hose couplings I have found at Tractor Supply Company although I do order them from Mc Master Carr.
Here is a quick example, other users you may also post your adaptions here.
Here is one example; I simply used a spade bit to drill out the hole to match the carb and used the existing gasket from the original air cleaner to transfer the holes over to this box. Then I simply used a 1 1/4 spade bit (hole saw works too) to punch out the hole in the lid to mount the quick connect plug. I then used a nut you would use for conduit or electrical cord grips to secure the quick connect plug to the lid. The ones I send and use are 1 inch NPT for the M-1 thru the M-3 units. The M-4 Alpha will use 1 1/2 inch NPT fittings but that machine is a whole different animal and designed larger engines anyways.

Here is a link for the one I used, this is for two of them. https://www.amazon.com/Waterproof-Electrical-Electronic-Enclosure-3-94x2-68x1-97/dp/B089K4KCQK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16BVQXAQ2D94F&dchild=1&keywords=small+electrical+box&qid=1632778663&sprefix=small+electircal+box%2Caps%2C224&sr=8-1
Here are some nice aluminum plug connectors. You dont need aluminum here at the engine. We generally use plastic but Im having a hard time finding them on Amazon.
And then here are the conduit nuts for 1 Inch NPT