Ok Guys, I am launching 2022 models early this year; all new orders from here on out will be 2022 models. I generally launch 2022 models in September, however, I have completed updates for manufacturing, made some improvements to the water drip systems and redesigned the Fusion module to directly integrate onto the M-1 SE and M-1 Utility Gasifier.
One improvement I wanted to accomplish was to increase fuel capacity by simply removing the internal filters. This is where the Fusion redesign comes in as it can now integrate directly onto the units and serve as the filter. So you now get the Fusion with the SE and Ute RTR versions. The Fusion is network ready so you can easily add on units to expand run times as well. You can also separate the Fusion and make it a stand alone filter and networking module. In this configuration you can add the shut off valves for each gasifier module to make refueling on the fly possible.
The water tank got an over haul as it was just plain ugly. lol. We now fully fab this tank and its just as easy to build as using the square tubing and it looks much better makes the units look more streamline.
The water drip nozzle system is much improved. The major reason for this design change was create some sort of flash back arrestor. If the unit has a flash back with the open nozzle it can shoot ambers out and that is not good as it can start a fire. So I experimented with a few designs and come up with this design that was a back up plan for a more elaborate design. This plan worked better and improved the water drip system plus accomplished the core design goal of creating a flash back arrestor. So now the water is fed into the end of the air intake pipe rather than from the side like originally. The intake air is then feed through an array holes that surround where the water drip feed tube terminates inside the intake. So now the air is rushing in at a high velocity and then grabs the water drips as they form on the feed tube. The water is then atomized and or form a mist fully coating the nozzle plus some mist is direct fed into the hot zone. The water that coats the walls of the nozzle is then evaporated into steam and carried into the machine. This has improved flow consistency of the water drip plus evening out how the steam vapors enter the hot zone for thorough reaction processes.
Other changes are for manufacturing purposes. My goal is to get to mass production of these systems; the build to order model must go as soon as possible. But there are steps to get there; however, the new design is ready for this.

Ok summer shipments are ready to go. I will shift into planning stage and updating the website over the weekend for the 2022 model year starting this weekend. As Ive probably mentioned we are moving away from build order single machine builds to an inventory mass production process system. So we or I for now will start processing CNC parts for inventroy starting October two weeks building a parts inventory. Then I move on to weld fab and process all builds by process. So it will be no more building one machine at a time. For instance when I set up and weld in the front shields and install the intake coupling all orders will be done at the same time regardless of model. Than on to the next process until they are all doen. Then they go to paint and then get staged for assembly. Assembly will use this same method and then they get packaged.
New orders will not come fully assembled, so you will need to assemble some things. This is so we can standardize the machines. For instance the gasifiers are sold in both an RTR format or as a module for networking. So they will be assembled to the point of a module. RTR versions will get the Fusion shipped with them but you will need to bolt it on. Wheel kits and handles will also need assembly, this is to get them into smallest packaging possible and to make them easier to package. Reducing your shipping cost while streamlining our production. Nothing out of the ordinary for a product of this nature. Some assembly will be required :)
2022 M-3 Ute (shown with Fusion Module)
Starting Price $2,550.00 or $3,900.00 (Fully Equipped RTR)
2022 M-2 Mule Gasifier, (Note unit here is not equipped with Fusion Module)
Starting Price $2,100 (as shown) or $3,500.00 (fully equipped RTR)
2022 M-1 SE (Standard Edition)
Starting Price $1,550,00 (base) or $2250.00 (RTR).
Ok summer shipments are going out this week. Get your pre orders in NOW! Fall production cycle begins first week of October with deliveries starting late November. Only 50% down is required to place the pre order and the balance is due at time of shipment.
Color options are available along with combinations. We use the Rustolium Professional line of paint as long as the color choice available we will offer it.
Note the pic showing the networking port. All RTR above the 2022 M-1 SE in RTR format will be network ready. Regardless if we build a larger hopper or build a slave the cost will be the same. However with just a larger hopper you simply have a larger hopper. It will not give any ability to run larger applications and it will simply be less practical as it will be difficult to load it. We would only be able to build an expanded hopper so big. With the Fusion you can network up to three modules basically tripling the run time. With the M-3 Ute running the 420cc generators this is 6 hours of run time. However not only does this add run time, but you also have three reactors tripling its capability. The M-3 Ute can run up to 500 cc engines. So adding the two extra modules would allow you to run up to a 1500cc engine displacement application. You could also set up the Fusion with valving to refuel on the fly that you could not do just by expanding the hopper.
When you purchase the M-2 and larger machines in RTR format you will always be able to add on later if you decide you want longer run times or would want to run a larger application. With us that option will always be there, you will not be stuck with a limited gasifier plant limited to single engine displacement range.
Here is the M-4 Alpha with direct feed chip fed kiln. You fuel this just like a raw fuel gasifier. Except this machine can produce primary heat while it produces char chips and then direct feeds into the M-4 Alpha.
Now you have a system that works like a traditional gasifier except it will actually run and will not produce tar!! This unit combined with the controls system of the 5 kW power unit will make it bullet proof. This controls system has been in development since 2014 and was developed to keep a raw fuels gasifier running self sustaining. Now coupled to charcoal that is already a stable system it will be a breeze for this controller to sustain it. This controls system is one of the most advanced controls system in the industry, featuring a very fast and responsive Air fuel mixture controls system, self ignition and logic controlled engine functions. You do not run this machine. You tell my controls what you want it to do and my controls will make it happen. This generator will have autonomous AGS systems as well. When your inverter calls for a battery charge this system can self light the gasifier, light the flare and then self start the engine and shift to auto power generator mode to charge your battery bank. When the batteries are topped off, it simply shuts down and goes into standby mode while its fuel hopper is replenished via the kiln.
Amazing stuff, have you got any data regarding the power output from running one full load of fuel for the M-3 Utility(or M-1)? How many watts/kwh do you get from running the machine once for instance?
Coming soon for the 2022 model year will be a new line power generators built specific not only for off grid applications but gasification in general.
These units will be direct plug and play with just about any gasifier technology regardless if you built it yourself, bought from another competitor or purchased one our systems.
The machines will feature our touch screen interface with the Thrive operating system. This system will give you 100% control of the entire system including the gasifier itself. The units will feature our electronic automix system with manual control at the touch screen to manually mix the air fuel ratio to get the engine started and then auto mode so the controls can take over once up and running. There will be an onboard sawdust fine filter and a start up blower with auto ignition flare cup. All controlled via our touch screen. Then there will be a number of outputs for the external gasifier. Our controls can control your hopper and grate agitators, glow plug ignition system, water drip on off valves (charcoal systems) along with a temp readout.
Oh and there is more, the 2022 Thrive Operating System will be getting a new autonomous operating feature with self AGS. This will require an inverter AGS input or we can supply you with the Thornwave that has a blue tooth app.
When our controls are in this mode and see a call for a battery charge cycle the machine will go into self ignition mode starting the gasifier on its own. Once the controls see the flare is lit will will shut those systems down and self switch to engine run mode and self start the engine and automix the AFR on its own. Once the controls see the AGS go Low it will then self shut and go back into standby mode until there is a call again for a charge cycle. Just keep fuel in it is all you need to worry about.
There will be three engine variants available. the 200cc the 400c and a V twin option. Engine makes will be optional some may want the Predator engines while will demand genuine Honda or other name brands.
The two smaller sized versions will be inverter type generators with a battery boost pack option. These will feature 12 and 24 volt alternator with built in voltage regulators and direct feed either the inverter or the optional battery boost pack. Some application with high load demand but are not a constant load may benefit from the boost pack. This boost pack will bring the output back on par with gasoline counter parts of the same engine size. A welder for instance will require high load demand but is not generally a constant load. So the unit has time replenish the batt pack during set ups.
The V Twin option is for the new M-1 Alpha or a full team of the M-3 Utiltiy. This will be a direct 24 Volt DC charger or we can set it up in single or three phase AC up to 400 volts. Its continuous output will be in the 5 kW this is about all you should expect for 690cc V twin to output running on any gasifier technology reliably and consistently. Yes there maybe times where it will output more; however, 5 kW is a more realistic consistent rating.
Ok this summer has been busy with new planning for this new model year. I have been working crafting a completely new business plan and we will be shifting away from the build to order business model starting now!. I am currently transitioning to quarterly production cycles and the first one will begin this October. Machine orders that are currently in production I have also already implemented this production model mid process and will be delivering all orders at the end of this month. The first few weeks of September will be a planning phase and setting up for the 2022 model year. The website is currently way out of date so if you reading this now, know that things are changing a bit and that current photos are of machines pre 2022. The M-1 base is the only machine that is current to the 2022 model year as far as photos go. But it also will undergo a few updates as there will be a new pancake filter for the RTR version that will direct couple without hose connection so its exhaust port is getting lowered. It will be the only version with the pancake filter as the larger versions will all have the Fusion Module directly integrated in to the RTR versions of those.
The production model is changing to process versus building one machine at time. So at the beginning of a production cycle, we take all orders and combine them in the CNC parts creation and will add in additional parts to build inventory stock. So for instance in the past we punched out one machine at a time cutting all its individual parts. This is very difficult to fit all the different parts into a sheet of sheet metal and maximize scrap plus additional set up time configuring this. Now if we have multiple machines we will instead run sets of individual parts. So instead of one lid for instance we will punch all the lids for all orders and fill areas with additional lids for inventory stock when it makes sense. So none of the orders at this stage will move forward until all are CNC processed. Once this inventory is built then we move to weld fabrication. We will then produce by model and start with smallest version first. So if we have three M-1 models to build and then four of the M-3 Mules we will build all three M-1's first and then the M-3 Mules regardless of order placement as there are fixture set ups. So we keep one fixture set up and build all units we have for that production cycle. Then those units get staged for paint and then assembly So at that this current time you will need to pre order but you will only need to put down 50% as this is all we need for this part of the manufacturing stage. We need to cover the steel cost and only the components required in weld fabrication. Then all the other stuff like wheels, blower motors, hose and connectors, filter boxes etc we will order from vendors and this will be supplied in kit form. So you will need to assemble some stuff as this year will be the last year of fully pre assembled machines. But this is not out of the ordinary this assembly is much like anything else you buy like this. Like a tool box for instance you generally have to install the wheels, pull handle and things like that. This will be much the same however some things we will pre assemble here like the lid, SS bag filter for the Fusion ect. But the pull handle and wheel kit, water tank and Fusion module you will need to assemble and we will help you along the way and you should take part on the forum so you can help aid others and be part of the community. This will help us build faster and ship more efficiently at less cost.
However at some point you wont preorder as the goal will be to build equity this way and eventually we will work to where we have cores on the shelf ready to go and then when orders come in all we have to do is order the accessory kits and eventually we will even have those in stock. So turn around times will go from months to a just week and then may even ship the day the orders are placed. But there are steps to get there, so we need your order now not later or we will never get there.
Product badging is going to change again to more approprietlty describe the application each unit is designed for. However all current units are part of the M-Series Gasifier. or Micro Series Gasifier Systems. However they will be labled M-1 , M-2, M-3 and so on with a name plate to give brief description of the units application.
So for instance the M-1 Base will now be the M-1 SE ( recreation / emergency use gasifier and will later direct integrate with the VersiFire Pellet Stove, The M-1 SE will serve as an external gasifier unit that the VersiFire will direct auger its charpellets into).
The M-1 SE will now become the M-2 Mule Gasifier ( As the name suggest the M-2 will be a light weight versatile unit to run multiple application's along with emergency power applications, bug out situation and RVing and camping )
M-1 Ute will now be the M-3 Utility ( M-3 will retain its Utility branding as this is the intended unit for full time off grid and supplementing off grid solar, The Ute will still come standard on wheels to easily run additional applications)
Then there will be the M-4 Alpha!!
This is coming and we already have many of these sold. This is a beast of a gasifier and designed for V Twin engines or it can be teamed to larger I-4 and possibly V8 Engine applications. We are also working on our own Honda Power V twin 5 kW power unit specifically built for this application and direct coupled to the M-4 Alpha. It will be fully automated, so it will have self ignition mode to start the gasifier directly integrated into the generator side. It will feature its own onboard filtration system that will be easy to access and service, its own start up blower to draft the gasifier with full automated valving and auto ignitor and then our electric AFR controls. You will have 100% control of the entire system from this generators onboard touch screen interface. This controls system is nothing new its been in development for more than 6 years and I am now standardizing its hardware interface along with its OS software. We will develop additional smaller inverter generators in the future that will future robust LifePo4 battery technology for boosting output to put this technology back on par with gasoline counter parts.
Charcoal kiln development is in progress and our kiln technology will make charcoal far more viable and user friendly than typical raw wood gasification. This is because our kilns will offer heat, hot water and cooking surfaces. Although at this stage we can not offer them as a stove or heating technology but we can for now offer them as a charcoal kiln device. With this tech it will just the same as a raw fuel system. For instance I am working a chip fed kiln. You simply feed chips into this just like a normal gasifier and it will provide heat while its procuring engine grade charcoal. Then you simply run this charcoal in the gasifier. Your not wasting anything if you are getting heat from it and charcoal is far more superior, these machines are 100% more stable in operation and you are not going to produce tar destroying your engine. This is the way to go and I have abandoned 9 years of raw fuels gasification development making this move. Really ask yourself why I would do such a thing. Charcoal system are 1/3 the cost, they are far more simpler, no condensate to deal with, no constant ash removal, they crack water 25% of the energy out is from water this is the tank on the front of the units, there is a reclaim there that can not be done with raw fuel gasification. Then the ease of use and elimination of tar. NO raw fuel gasifier is or ever will be exempt from tar production. If it can happen I assure it will!! If your engine is sticky black this is unacceptable one drop of tar is one drop too many and it is not good for any engine in any amount.
Pictured here is the M-2 Mule Gasifier with out Fusion module . This is sort of a pre-production version as I will be changing the wheels from these solid ones to the pneumatic wheels for better mobility and durability.