Ok Guys, I am launching 2022 models early this year; all new orders from here on out will be 2022 models. I generally launch 2022 models in September, however, I have completed updates for manufacturing, made some improvements to the water drip systems and redesigned the Fusion module to directly integrate onto the M-1 SE and M-1 Utility Gasifier.
One improvement I wanted to accomplish was to increase fuel capacity by simply removing the internal filters. This is where the Fusion redesign comes in as it can now integrate directly onto the units and serve as the filter. So you now get the Fusion with the SE and Ute RTR versions. The Fusion is network ready so you can easily add on units to expand run times as well. You can also separate the Fusion and make it a stand alone filter and networking module. In this configuration you can add the shut off valves for each gasifier module to make refueling on the fly possible.
The water tank got an over haul as it was just plain ugly. lol. We now fully fab this tank and its just as easy to build as using the square tubing and it looks much better makes the units look more streamline.
The water drip nozzle system is much improved. The major reason for this design change was create some sort of flash back arrestor. If the unit has a flash back with the open nozzle it can shoot ambers out and that is not good as it can start a fire. So I experimented with a few designs and come up with this design that was a back up plan for a more elaborate design. This plan worked better and improved the water drip system plus accomplished the core design goal of creating a flash back arrestor. So now the water is fed into the end of the air intake pipe rather than from the side like originally. The intake air is then feed through an array holes that surround where the water drip feed tube terminates inside the intake. So now the air is rushing in at a high velocity and then grabs the water drips as they form on the feed tube. The water is then atomized and or form a mist fully coating the nozzle plus some mist is direct fed into the hot zone. The water that coats the walls of the nozzle is then evaporated into steam and carried into the machine. This has improved flow consistency of the water drip plus evening out how the steam vapors enter the hot zone for thorough reaction processes.
Other changes are for manufacturing purposes. My goal is to get to mass production of these systems; the build to order model must go as soon as possible. But there are steps to get there; however, the new design is ready for this.

Ok summer shipments are ready to go. I will shift into planning stage and updating the website over the weekend for the 2022 model year starting this weekend. As Ive probably mentioned we are moving away from build order single machine builds to an inventory mass production process system. So we or I for now will start processing CNC parts for inventroy starting October two weeks building a parts inventory. Then I move on to weld fab and process all builds by process. So it will be no more building one machine at a time. For instance when I set up and weld in the front shields and install the intake coupling all orders will be done at the same time regardless of model. Than on to the next process until they are all doen. Then they go to paint and then get staged for assembly. Assembly will use this same method and then they get packaged.
New orders will not come fully assembled, so you will need to assemble some things. This is so we can standardize the machines. For instance the gasifiers are sold in both an RTR format or as a module for networking. So they will be assembled to the point of a module. RTR versions will get the Fusion shipped with them but you will need to bolt it on. Wheel kits and handles will also need assembly, this is to get them into smallest packaging possible and to make them easier to package. Reducing your shipping cost while streamlining our production. Nothing out of the ordinary for a product of this nature. Some assembly will be required :)