Ok for 2023 we will be making a few refinements and re introducing automation into the machines along with adding on the DFX -S4 gasifier system. We will be launching the 2023 models early this year as most of these improvements are to make life easier here in our manufacturing. So if you are planning to place an order for the next manufacturing cycle, you will be getting the 2023 updated models.
The ash clean out port will be replaced with a hinged door. This will allow better access to this lower chamber along with giving you the ability of removing the grate through access point. Versus digging it out from the hopper.
The gas pick up tube is now a modular part that will bolt in and can be removed. It also has the NPT threaded adapter built in so that stand alone versions are plug and play for networking. It will also have a clean out port at its top.
Re introduction of advanced automation and controls systems. Those that have been following us for a while know, we have been developing gasifier controls systems for many years. Back when we started we developed around direct raw wood chip gasifier systems. These systems must have automation to self sustain. You can not get around the physics without it, no stationary small scale raw fuel gasifier will self sustain without automation. So hopper and grate agitator systems were developed to overcome fuel bridging and grate clogging, then later automatic air / fuel mixer systems. This would then later evolve to self ignition and fully automating the gasifier start up process, along with generator controls integration direct into our controller. Spring of 2020 is when I changed direction and started developing the charcoal cross draft systems. These machines can run self sustaining or at least with very little intervention from the user. So controls systems were put on hold and from this point until now our development focus was on the machine development. Well we are here with the 2022 models coming to fruition; it is now time to re introduce our automation systems. So the first step is we need to make the gasifier units so that they are universal. Meaning that we build one version with ability to offer them with and with out automation. So the easiest way to do that is simply to redesign the water tank. The new water tank will be standard and able to integrate controls interfaces with different face plates. Non automated versions will simply have a blank face plate our logo / brand cut into it and automated version will simply have a face plate revised for these interfaces. The intent is so that existing users that may want to up grade later can do so. In fact the new water tank will direct replace the water tanks on the 2022 models. So those that have 2022 model M-Series and DFX Series gasifiers can upgrade their units.
With the exception of the Series 1 gasifiers, each model will be offered in three different levels. The "SE" , "TMS" and "Worx" versions.
The " SE " simply is the Standard Edition variant that is non automated.
The TMS is the Thrive Management System option. This is the light version of the "Thrive Operating System". This controllers main feature is an AEM 02 sensor system that our controller uses for input to monitor air fuel ratios. Our controls use this to automatically adjust the AFR electronically without user intervention. Additional features will be an automated on / off valve for the water injection system and it will be able to turn the start up blower on and off. Along with generator starter and engine stop controls integration. This will simply make the system more hands free, self sustaining and reduce the cumbersome of operating a gasifier.
The Worx option fully automates the entire gasifier and engine system. The ultimate goal is to make the units run autonomously when combined with a battery bank. This will feature input from an inverter or AGS system that the system will use to self initiate the full start up process (including cranking the engine over and getting it running) and then self shut down after the batteries are charged or the unit becomes low on fuel. You will also still have the ability to run in standard manual mode the AGS mode will need to be activated in order to run in that mode. In the default standard mode, you will simply have modes you activate via the touch screen. To get the unit started you simply touch the ignition mode button and the controls will self ignite the reactor, turn on the blower and open the valve to the flare cup and water injection system. It will then ignite the flare and once it sees it is lit and sustaining it will tell you its ready to engine run. Once here you initiate the "Generate Mode" and the controls will then turn off the blower, flare cup valve and put the generator into start mode. You then use the slider widget on the touch screen to adjust the AFR and touch the engine starter button on the touch screen to get the engine started. Once running and stable turn the AFR mode to "on" and the controls will take over and self adjust the AFR as needed.
This controller will feature the Thrive Operating System and is an interactive, easy to use interface.

This is the 2023 DFX-S3 Worx Gasifier!!
This machine will define what a modern gasifier should look like and how it should function. This gasifier will run from the push of a button, it will have systems to monitor and self sustain operation. This will be as close as you will ever get to running an engine on a gasifier as if it were running on gasoline. The DFX-S3 Worx gasifier is the product of 10 years of development.