Ok so here is a quick run down on how to set up the universal carb adapter. This is designed for the Honda and clone variations with displacement ranging from 190cc to 440 cc engines. Here I am adapting a Predator 9000 watt generator with the 420 cc non hemi engine.
So first step is to removed the crank case vent breather hose and fuel tank vent tubes from the air box and remove the lower support screw at the back side.

Ok now remove the front cover of the air box and the filter to expose the carburetor mounting nuts and remove them.

Once the nuts are removed carefully remove the air box without tearing the gasket at the back side. It will generally stay with the air box. Once you have the box removed carefully peel off the gasket and replace it back on the carburetor as this is needed to seal our adapter once installed.

Now install our adapter plate as shown and replace the mounting nuts and tighten them.

Now you can simply install the manifold and you are ready to go. Note you can install your air mixer valve here at this manifold; however, we do not recommend this. This adds weight and is extended off the carburetor creating stress to the carburetor mounting studs as the engine vibrates. This can lead to stress failure with the bolts breaking off. What we recommend is mounting your air mixer at the Pancake filter as this is also close by the engine for easy tuning.

The gas tank vent tube is no longer used; this can be just left or you can cut it down. The engine crank vent hose will be repurposed, to purge the water tank of the water drip system. This is to overcome surface tension at the needle valve to keep its flows consistent.
Was there a different post that showed what that adapter was made from? I'm not familiar with the fitting. Just some sort of coupling? Is there any filter media in the adapter?
I have had some trouble running char gas through the carb on my Generac. The choke plate locks up at times and has to be sprayed with carb cleaner. No tar or soot apparent.