Ok guys, its been crazy busy here over the last few months. As you may have noticed the website has been overhauled and updated for the 2023 model year. We have been busy working on a complete company restructure. We are breaking the company into two entities Thrive Off Grid LLC and Thrive Energy Systems LLC.
Thrive Off Grid will now evolve into an online store for anything Off Grid related and to be the US and Canadian Distributor for our gasification products and possibly other new products. For the manufacturing side of things this is why Thrive Energy Systems was created. This business plan is nothing new it just had to be postponed due to market decline. However, 2021 market demand rebounded and then 2022 sales volumes have broken all previous sales records of the past 10 years. In order to meet this higher demand we had to make some changes to our manufacturing systems. Prior to 2022 our maximum output was only 15 to 20 machines per year!. Just adding on more people does not = higher production. It can actually slow things reduce quality and just add more cost. What we had to do is break down every aspect of the machines manufacturing process into individual processes and implement mass production of those processes. The one machine build at a time built to order model is no longer viable at this demand level. So this year we made some changes to build per production yearly quarters. This worked! We went from 15 to 20 machines a year to 15 to 20 machines built in just three months!. Yeah huge difference. The only issue is with our small operation we would end up with all these machines staged for shipment at the end of the quarter and at the wrong side of the shop taking up space. This was very cumbersome. Some processes became very eficient leaving gaps from one process to another processes, so things were just not quite balanced.
So early October before we ordered the 2 tons of steel for 4th quarter production we performed a complete physical restructuring of the manufacturing process. This was our window because once we receive this much steel there is no chance of moving it once in the steel rack. This required a complete inversion of the shop so raw materials come in thru the back of the shop and product shipments leave out the front making it easier to manage production flows and for truck pick ups at the front the shop. Yeah we get full semi trailers that come in here to pick up the shipments. We have broken the production quarters into smaller batch runs starting with 4 cycles per production quarter and eventually evolving to 6 cycles. Each cycle produces 6 machines so 24 machines per quarter. We have invested into $1500 worth of job carts to handle parts, weldments; along with restructuring our inventory into 4 sections that correspond with the manufacturing stages. There is new work order documentation to go with the production cycles that highly structures this system. All this along with the 2023 final design for the DFX Series, will streamline and balance production flows making our output more consistent with much shorter lead times. This manufacturing model will lay the foundation so that we can evolve in the future.
Thrive Off Grid and this website will hopefully evolve into an online distribution company and online store for other products in 2023. We are working on securing another building here that TOG will operate out of. We are talking with other companies to become distributors for solar panels, inverters, LifePo4 battery systems now. We plan on adding other products as we go. TOG will distribute the DFX product line for the US and Canadian markets and will lay the foundation for other distributors worldwide. We are currently working with potential distributors for Mexico, Australia / New Zeeland, South America, Italy, Norway, and the UK.
The restructure will be fully complete at the end of the year. Once here we will resume product development. the DFX-S1 and DFX-S4 will be added to the 2023 model year as first priority. The VersiFire we will then resume its development along with controls. Note the DFX gasifiers are only part of the system. The VersiFire complete with a DFX gasifier will make a complete system. The Versifire intakes raw biomass and converts this fuel into gas and charcoal. The VersiFire outputs low volume clean gaseous fuel for household gas appliances while it reduces the raw biomass to engine grade charcoal fuel for the DFX gasifier. The appliances reduce your electrical demand. This means less solar panels, less battery storage and will make gasification for off grid much more eficient and practical than any other system on market today.
.Additionally we will bring back our controls systems into development and evolving that into an AGS system. This system will self fire the gasifier and get the generator running by itself when a charge cycle is called for from the inverter.

Looking good. I hope i can order some machines the coming year. Thanks.
Congrats on your successful scale up! Very smart to keep it small and scale with demand.
Nice job.
Very excited to see The VersiFire!